6 Time Management Tips for Busy Families

6 Time Management Tips for Busy Families

Life can be erratic, especially with a busy family. Although there may be a lot of moving pieces, there are ways to help you make your household operate more effectively and efficiently. Below are 6 tips to help you make the most of you and your family’s valued time....
Preschool Prep 2019: Happy Chinese New Year!

Preschool Prep 2019: Happy Chinese New Year!

The children enrolled in our Preschool prep program have been learning about and celebrating the Chinese New Year! They have decorated colorful dragon masks, colored dragon puppets, made chinese lanterns, danced with their parents and teachers, and made pigs using...
Preschool Prep 2019: Bears and Snow!

Preschool Prep 2019: Bears and Snow!

Happy new year! Preschool prep is back in session and our theme is “Bears, Snow, and Winter Animals.” The children experienced powdered snow, shaving cream snow, and cotton ball snow. They made bear puppets using paper bags and glue — they honed...