Happy new year! Preschool prep is back in session and our theme is “Bears, Snow, and Winter Animals.” The children experienced powdered snow, shaving cream snow, and cotton ball snow. They made bear puppets using paper bags and glue — they honed their fine motor skills sticking ears and eyes onto their puppets. The children made “tracks in the snow” dipping cars and trucks into paint and looking at the different tracks they made.

Our sensory table was filled with shaving cream and powdered snow and the children played “hide the bears” in the shaving cream. They also “drove cars” through the shaving cream “snow.” Another new sensory experience: carpet squares! Children explored feeling textures with their feet. Each of the carpet squares is a different sensory sensation. Children experienced rough, soft, smooth, and bumpy carpet squares and reported which one they liked best.

We read “The Story of the Three Bears” and played out the story together in the dramatic play area. We also played with hats, mittens, and scarves, and read the story “The Mitten.”

For a special snack, the children ate “bear mix,” a collection of chex mix, pretzels, raisins, cranberries, blueberries, and dried apricots!

Marilee Hartling RN, MFT | Infant & Child Development Specialist | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.