Tummy Time

Tummy Time

Tummy Time is simply the time that babies spend lying and playing on their tummies and off their backs while they are awake. This time is invaluable to babies and has a ton of positive outcomes that can be great for your child. We’ve written about: “5 Ways Babies do...
5 Ways Babies do Tummy Time

5 Ways Babies do Tummy Time

Tummy Time is simply the time that babies spend lying and playing on their tummies and off their backs while they are awake. Lying prone (tummy down) on a blanket on the floor Lying prone on mommy or daddy’s tummy or chest while mommy or daddy are reclining Lying...
December Preschool Prep Curriculum

December Preschool Prep Curriculum

Themes for December for the Preschool Prep Program included Family Traditions, the Celebrations of Light, Winter, Christmas, Chanukah and making holiday gifts for parents. Concepts and vocabulary introduced included opposites such as “big and little”,...
Children and Self Esteem – Part III

Children and Self Esteem – Part III

Balance Praise and Criticism: There is a danger in the pressure today to read, write  and perform tasks not appropriate for age  level and  developmental stage. There is a pressure to exceed and to be “the best.” This pressure often overwhelms a child’s sense of...