Having extra time with our children is a perfect opportunity to read together. Being read to offers toddlers the ultimate bonding experience with the parent. Sitting close, having your attention, and hearing the sound of your voice are the building blocks of healthy attachment. Reading encourages learning and comprehension, and expedites brain development. This is particularly significant at a time when a billion of new neural connections are made every second. Talking and listening during those special reading sessions are directly linked to the development of key social and literacy skills. Several studies have shown that children over five years old who were regularly read to in the first years of their lives perform significantly better at school. When you help your young child make reading a positive emotional experience, it can be a start of a lifelong love of books and learning. We at ECDA assign great value to reading, and would like to encourage you to find those special moments when you and your little one can sit down together with a good book.

At times of challenging or unusual circumstances, be they of cultural or familial nature, books come to our rescue. They help us and our little ones to feel more empowered by putting words to difficult feelings. Bellow is a list of books for young children that may be informative, soothing and helpful in working through fear, anxiety, or worry.


The Feelings Book by Todd Parr

A book that describes (and validates) a wide spectrum of human emotion.

The Story of My Feelings by Laurie Berkner (out of print) 

The book is currently out of print, but if you could get a hold of it, this could be a great find. The author talks about the importance of expression as a way to deal with difficult emotions. The original book comes with an accompanying CD of Laurie Berkner’s songs.

The Color Monster: A Story About Emotions by Anna Llenas

This is a favorite of caretakes and educators, making it an international best-seller. The book offers a study of emotional awareness as a path to greater sense of peace and self-regulation, all in a format of a classic color picture book, with a pop-up version in print.

Worries Are Not Forever by Elizabeth Verdick and Marieka Heinlen

A great sentiment to remember, no matter your age, and a useful book that reminds us of our inherent ability to process difficult emotions.

 Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival

An excellent children’s book that deals with anxiety, and teaches ways to cope with difficult feelings.

Llama, Llama Misses Mama by Ana Dewdney

Llama, Llama series are a staple of conversations about emotions at ECDA. This particular book in the series talks about the early experience of separation anxiety, and the reparative experience that follows.

 Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and Patrick Benson

 A story that addresses fears a child might feel during a parent’s absence. This is beautifully illustrated, tender and reassuring tale to remind the youngest of children that Mommy always comes back.