Celebrating Hanukkah at ECDA

What fun we’ve had celebrating Hanukkah at The Early Childhood Development Associates! Parents, toddlers, infants, and staff have all enjoyed singing Hanukkah songs, lighting the menorah, and making potato latkes! We feel at ecda that partaking in these fun holiday rituals gives children of all ages a sense of strength and stability. And the earlier you start, the better!

5 Rewards of Meaningful Rituals

  •  Rituals give children a feeling of belonging and celebration
  •  Rituals impart the values and life lessons that parents want to pass on
  •  Rituals can help children cope with difficult times and give them a sense of identity
  •  Rituals can have a long-lasting impact on children’s psychological health
  •  Children from families who practice healthy active rituals adjust more easily when going away for college!

   Megan Baker, M.A., Marriage Family Therapist Intern

 Rewards summarized from “The Rewards of Rituals” by Meg Cox (1995)