8 Characteristics of Your 6 Month Old Infant

1. Pushes up on straight arms when on tummy

2.  Brings feet to mouth

3.  Picks up small objects and transfers from one hand to the other

4.  Rolls Back to stomach

5.  Responds to name, turns, and looks

6.  Vocalizes

7.  Looks for object after it disappears from sight

8.  Sits with support

Suggestions for Developmental Play

Interactive Visual & Auditory Play Activities

1.  Play peek-a-boo.  Use colored scarf to lightly cover baby’s eyes and have him pull the scarf off.  Duck behind a chair and have baby find you.

2.  Name objects and people.  Reward baby with clapping and praise when he looks toward the named item.

3.  Work on 2 syllable sounds such as “Bye,Bye”, “da-da”, during play.   In our infant and toddler groups we sing the “Bye,Bye” song at the end of each group, using each child’s name.

4.  Sing baby’s name and watch for response.  In our group programs we use the Children’s Drumming Song for this activity as babies and toddlers rhytmically pat the drum as we add their names to this song.

Interactive Play Activities Involving Movement.

1.  Give baby lots of time on the floor mat or quilt, encouraging rolling over and over.

2.  Place favorite toys slightly out of reach and encourage pivoting on tummy or belly-crawling.

3.  To work on balance place baby on your lap. Sing bouncing and rocking songs.

4.  Hold baby on your lap at the table and offer toys for him to grab on top of the table.

5.  While sitting at the table, encourage tapping and banging hands on table top or while sitting on the floor encourage tapping and banging on a drum.

6.  Allow extra time for adjustment to people and new places because baby is now more aware of new and different situations.

“I can sit by myself!”

 In our “First Weeks” Group at the Pump Station Hollywood, babies enjoy making noise on the drum using their fingers.